Saturday, October 10, 2009

CVN Survey and Raffle

Below is our most recent email--please let us know any feedback. Also, if you aren't getting these in your inbox, sign up on the County site (be sure to check the box that you're interested in CVN and in receiving emails):
Dear CVN volunteer,

Community Volunteer Network (CVN) is trying to understand what you, as an active or semi-active volunteer, are interested in doing with our group--types and length of volunteering, social events, etc.

Please help us by completing this survey which will take no longer than 5 minutes of your time to complete.

***By completing this survey, you will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win one of 3 possible gift cards - $25 for Mexicali Blues, $25 for Busboys and Poets, or $15 for Regal Ballston Theatres**** 

We think our current structure is great, and so the survey data should help build on our strengths. Some questions mention new possibilities for CVN--if there's an interest, we'll do what we can to facilitate something. With any possibilities though, know that the CVN leadership has always been all-volunteer, and therefore can't do much without help--so we hope you'll get engaged where you can, and continue to help define what CVN is as we move forward! Lastly, if you would like to discuss the issues brought up in the survey more, and have input on the future of CVN, please join us at a planning session Sun., Oct. 25th, 1-4 pm. Go to the following link for more info and RSVP details:

Click HERE to complete the survey.

Thank you for your time,

Sharon Tewksbury-Bloom

Arlington County Liaison
Community Volunteer Network

NOTE:  If you have difficulty with the survey link above, paste the link below into your browser:

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