Below is our most recent email--please let us know any feedback. Also, if you aren't getting these in your inbox, sign up on the County site (be sure to check the box that you're interested in CVN and in receiving emails):
Dear CVN volunteer,
Before letting you know about some of what's coming up in the way of volunteering for August, we wanted to be sure to report back on Community Volunteer Network's new look... We unveiled the above during our Five-year Anniversary/Summer Celebration a few weeks ago (lots of good pictures from that here)--we're pretty excited about it. If you think it looks a bit like the past logo though, we'd forgive you, because it's actually just a change in colors. We went with it because the old logo got the most votes, by quite a bit, in our logo contest last month. Many thanks to everyone who submitted logo ideas though (we'll keep the slideshow up here for posterity), and to the over 125 people who voted as a part of the logo contest! Look for t-shirts soon...
Thanks also to everyone that came out last month to volunteer events with Cherrydale Health and Rehabilitation, Arlington-Alexandria Coalition for the Homeless, and Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment--know you're helping make an impact in some important areas in the County (and send any volunteering pics to me by email).
As we move into this last month of the Summer here though, we've got a few volunteer opportunities coming up, along with our monthly happy hour next week:
- TimeSlips at Cherrydale - Sat, Aug. 8th, 2-3 pm (for returning TimeSlips volunteers): This will be an opportunity for those of you who have volunteered at as a part of "TimeSlips" over the last few months to get together and celebrate what's we have ccomplished. Look for more TimeSlips opps for new volunteers in the future. Interested returning volunteers can RSVP for Saturday's get together here.
- August Monthly Meetup - Tues.., Aug. 11, 7-9 pm: We'll be at Clarendon Grill this month, which is right near the Metro stop in Clarendon. Look for us (perhaps for the last time!) in green shirts. RSVP via Facebook here or contact our Social Chair, Meredith.
- Kids and Affordable Housing - Sat., Aug.29, 12-2:30 pm: Help run a Family Fun Day for residents of Arlington Partnership for Affordable Housing (APAH)'s Columbia Grove affordable housing community. CVN volunteers will help set up and take down everything, run kids' arts and craft stations, man the moon bounce, and serve food to residents. The first slot is filled up, but help out for the second--RSVP and get more information here.
- 9/11 Memorial 5K - Sat., Sept. 5, 4-7 pm: CVN has been helping with this race for a few years now and it is always a popular event. If you would like to run in the event you can run in addition to volunteering. Sign up here.
- Arlington County Fair - Saturday, Aug. 19-23: Being from Central Virginia, I have to say the County Fair reminds me of fairs I went to back in the day--they'll have rides, carnival games, funnel cakes, all that, along with outdoor movies and a lot more. They'll ALSO need volunteers though, lots of them--take a look at options, grab a couple friends, and plan a day where you volunteer and hang out. Details here:
- Ride with Arlington Youth and Phoenix Bikes - Every Saturday: Phoenix Bikes staff and volunteers take rides each Saturday with Arlington youth, and they can use 2-3 volunteers each time. Find our more by contacting Chris Jones at, with "Saturday bike rides" in the subject.
- Various Other Volunteer Opportunities - Find some other volunteering opportunities you might be interested in here.
We'll look forward to catching you somewhere along the way in August,
PS - For you Google Calendar users, add CVN's Public Event Calendar to your calendar to keep up with us--it's available at
Brendan O'Connor
Community Volunteer Network |
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