Saturday, November 14, 2009

CVN Update and Leadership Transition Info.

Below is our most recent email--please let us know any feedback. Also, if you aren't getting these in your inbox, sign up on the County site (be sure to check the box that you're interested in CVN and in receiving emails):
Dear CVN volunteer,

With 2010 not far off, and some helpful survey results recently in, we, the volunteer leaders of Community Volunteer Network (CVN) have some news to share.

we'd like to explain a few basic changes coming up for CVN. Second, we have some CVN leaders transitioning out, and want anyone reading this to consider getting involved--not just as a part of our Leadership Team, but also as a part of our newly-expanded committee structure (more details below). So, to take each of those in turn:

  1. To start with some upcoming changes, basically, we got some interesting survey results that said you guys are all for what we're doing now, but are interested in some new possibilities as well. Because we do want CVN to be an outgrowth of what, you, the larger group are interested in, we're going to try some new things as we start into 2010. The specifics of these new initiatives will be developed through collaboration with the new leaders we bring on, and we will provide more details as we go. The plans, generally speaking though, are to launch recurring volunteering, start a CVN blog (see possible types of posts here), involve more of you in leadership, and develop the social side of CVN a bit more.

    Over 50 of 87 respondents showed strong interest in each of the above ideas. Will they work though? We're not sure, there's no way of knowing. So, we are planning to approach these as experiments--ones that have significant potential, but nothing that we are wedded to; we're planning to solicit continued feedback on everything as we go too, so you can help keep us in check.
  2. Now, for Leadership Team and committee information. It's basically become apparent, as noted above, that there's much that can be done with CVN, and as is said, many hands make light work. SO, do you think you can help? Take a look here at a Google Doc with our Leadership Team "Chair" position openings and role descriptions, and here for our likely "Committee Lead" position descriptions.

    After taking a look at the position openings and descriptions above, click here to fill out a quick form letting us know: a) which roles you're interested in; and b) what experience and/or interests you bring to the table--please be sure to reply by Nov. 20th at the latest.

Many thanks to Meredith Clayton, outgoing Social Chair, and Lisa Dorsey, outgoing Program Chair, as they gave a lot of their time and energy to help make this last year happen with CVN!
We look forward to seeing everyone as we work through these next few months, and hope you will get involved if you're not, and stay involved if you are already. The basic concept behind CVN, of a driven group of people gathering together to address issues in their community is an important one, and we hope to keep after it as we head into the new year.

All the best,


PS - Please feel free to contact any of our current Leadership Team if you have questions on what is involved: Lisa Dorsey (, Meredith Clayton (, Jon Bunger (, and Brendan O'Connor ( You can also contact our CVN County Liaison, Sharon Tewksbury-Bloom, at (
Brendan O'Connor
Community Volunteer Network (CVN) Chair

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