Monday, July 19, 2010

Being a Community Leader

There are, no doubt, many different reasons why young adults decide to become involved with the Community Volunteer Network (CVN). Some may want to meet new people, develop new friendships, volunteer with a like-minded group, or just give something back. A central commonality, though, is a commitment, conscious or not, to serving one’s community. It’s this community service that drives CVN volunteers to give up their evenings after work and their precious weekend hours to make a difference in Arlington in a shared vision for a brighter tomorrow.

Part of CVN’s mission is to cultivate community leaders—individuals who understand the needs of their community and actively work to address them. Thus, the opportunity to work with volunteers to identify their talents and discover ways in which these can be used to improve the community, is essential to CVN’s continued community relevance.

On Tuesday, July 27 from 6:30 pm to 9:00 pm, CVN is offering its volunteers an opportunity to discover the new ways in which they can positively impact their community. CVN’s Volunteer Leader Training will engage volunteers in a discussion about CVN’s current efforts within the community, how volunteers can take on new roles to support these efforts, and how these efforts can be expanded to better utilize the talented community leaders currently serving as CVN volunteers.

If you would like to take the next step toward becoming a community leader, come out to the Volunteer Leader Training. You can sign-up at or email any questions to

I hope to see you there!




Kellen MacBeth

Monthly Volunteer Chair


  1. Thanks, Kellen, for this info! The training sounds awesome and I'm looking forward to contributing!

  2. Kellen, thanks for the post. Is there anything volunteers should think about before they come? Is there a possible primer question to allow them to think about ways to generate discussion during the training?

  3. Jourdan, I think it would be helpful for volunteers to consider what type of role they would like to play in their community. Then, at the training, we can explore how CVN can help link them to leadership opportunities that would relate to that role and the needed skills to get there.
