If you love your car, but also love saving money, improving your health and helping the environment, Arlington County is looking for you.
The Car-Free Diet Skeptics Challenge is designed for Arlington County residents that currently drive their cars frequently, but are willing to try car-free living for 30 days. If you are chosen as one of the final Skeptics, for 30 days you’ll share your experiences online, through videos, blog posts, Facebook, Twitter, and Foursquare. This is where your creativity comes in handy. Make a movie of your commute. Write a blog entry describing your evening bike ride. Share helpful tips and things you've learned on your Facebook and Twitter pages.
It may be called a "challenge," but you'll have lots of help along the way. We'll provide you with everything you need to tackle the 30-day challenge, including:
- loaded SmarTrip card
- bike and biking gear from Revolution Cycles and BikeArlington
- membership to Capital Bikeshare
- detailed route maps to and from your work
- video camera to record your adventures
At the end of the 30 days, one challenger will be declared the winner, getting everything they need to travel car free around Arlington and the DC metro area for a whole year!
Last year, Todd and Ross were highly skeptical that they could go for 30 days without a car. So they decided to take the challenge. And the results? Todd lost seven pounds, and Ross sold his car! To check out their adventures going car free, view the video recap at http://www.youtube.com/user/carfreedietskeptics#p/c/FFF00474D33FBBAC/1/FwwV5JiAaIk or go to carfreedietskeptics.com.
Why not make 2011 the year you make a healthier, more economical, and greener change in your life? You might find that by going car free you can knock out several resolutions in one! Discover firsthand just how easy it can be, or help a car-addicted friend or co-worker see the light. To learn more about Arlington’s Car-Free Diet Skeptics Challenge or to enter, visit carfreedietskeptics.com.
But hurry, the deadline for entries is February 28!
Really it is very interesting.... :)