Friday, June 19, 2009

DiscussArlington & Summer Celebration

Below is our most recent email--please let us know any feedback. Also, if you aren't getting these in your inbox, sign up on the County site (be sure to check the box that you're interested in CVN and in receiving emails):
Dear CVN volunteer,

Hello, and happy end to the week!

We usually just send out one main email per month with coming events, but we wanted to shoot out another quick note here because we're pretty excited about
these upcoming events:
  • DiscussArlington: Environment - Sun., June 28, 3-5 pm: What's the state of the environment in Arlington? What might we do to conserve more in our own lives? As we noted in our last email, we're getting together to discuss exactly those questions for DiscussArlington, a CVN community education event with Fresh AIRE, Arlington's clean air initiative--we think it'll be great for a lazy Sunday afternoon, especially with a little coffee on the side. No speakers lecturing from a podium though, we're aiming for a good roundtable discussion. Find out more and RSVP here on Facebook, or email Tim Riley, our Community Education Chair, for more info at
  • CVN's Five-Year Anniversary / Summer Celebration - Mon., July 20, 6:30-9:30 pm: So we're excited to be celebrating five years for CVN as a part of our annual Summer Celebration, and hope you'll come out and raise a glass with us. We'll hear from speaker Robert Egger, founder and President of DC Central Kitchen, along with one of CVN's founders, County Board Member Walter Tejada. You can find us that night at the Arlington Arts Center, near the VA Square Metro. RSVP here if interested, or email Meredith Clayton, our Social Chair, at for more info.
Lastly, we wanted to try to use the power of our volunteers and any other interested readers to help spread the word about these events and CVN in general with the attached flier--just print it out and post it in your apartment complex, gym, any local restaurants or bars, or wherever else you think it might catch someone's eye. If you like what CVN's about, we hope you might own some of what it might be by helping out with this and other opportunities.

Thanks, and enjoy the weekend!   


Brendan O'Connor, Chair
Community Volunteer Network

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