Friday, February 25, 2011

A Volunteer's Perspective: Employment Justice Center

I volunteer once a week doing intake screening for the Employment Justice Center in DC. I assist in evaluating employment related legal matters for low-income individuals. At times, it's difficult to tell people that there is really nothing that can be done. But often times, people feel better by having someone honestly and patiently listen to them, which sadly enough, probably never happens in their lives. It also makes it more rewarding when you have the opportunity to actually help someone with their issue.

Volunteering is great for me because I get to meet new people that can help me professionally, and I also feel like I am using my ability to help out my local community. I know that my individual effort might be a drop in the bucket, so to speak, but it's inspiring to think about others who volunteer and are charitable and what a difference that collective effort makes. I think that people who make charity an important aspect of their lives quickly realize that being charitable is truly a gift of its own. I applaud others who have taken up a cause they are passionate about!

Eric Gettemy, Esq.

If you are interested in volunteering at the Employment Justice Center, visit their website. If you'd like to share your experience as a volunteer, please email us at

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