Thursday, September 29, 2011

CVN Event Leaders' Group

Part of CVN’s mission is to create a positive difference in Arlington by developing leaders. To help promote leadership and provide more access to leadership opportunities we have created a new group to match leaders with volunteer events. Anyone interested in leading events can join. Joining the group doesn’t commit you to leading an event. The goal is to expose people to opportunities and hopefully match volunteer leaders with an event, organization or activity that they are interested in. CVN’s past experiences have found that a key factor in a successful volunteer event is a leader who is passionate about the activity.

CVN will use the group to send out information about potential volunteer events. We will post all the information we have on the event, such as a description of the event, information about the group we would be volunteering with, location, and date and time or potential dates if it is a flexible opportunity. If you are interested in leading an event just reply that you are interested and we will put you in touch with the contact for the group that we will volunteer with. Don't worry if you have never led an event before, we will work with you to get all the information and tools you need to run a successful volunteer event!

If you are interested in joining please click here and then click on “join group.” If you have any questions please email

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